Saturday, May 3, 2014

God loves you!

I love smiling and laughing.  It is so uplifting and releasing.  But even more, I love making other people smile and laugh.  I love helping them feel God's love.  There is almost no greater joy than helping to lift others.

And what is most amazing is that it does not take a huge, expensive, and time consuming project to help someone feel God's love and to help lift them up.  Through the way we live and act we can help others feel of God's love for them.  How?  Like it says in the Book of Mormon, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6).  All we need are opened eyes and a willing heart.  It may be a smile to a passing stranger, a conversation with a store clerk, a compliment to a coworker, a plate of cookies to a neighbor, a phone call to a friend, an expression of love to a family member, or anything else.  

And as we look for opportunities to lift others, we can become instruments in God's hands in being an answer to their prayer, saying what they needed to hear, helping them not to feel alone, being the encouragement they needed that day, and helping them come to know and feel they are a child of a loving Heavenly Father who cares, who listens, and who loves them.

Since coming on my mission I have really come to understand the impact we can have on other people's lives.  Weekly we go and visit different older members in the ward who live in nursing homes and we sing them songs and share uplifting messages.  I love bringing a smile on my face and a listening ear to help them know that we care and, most importantly, that Heavenly Father is aware of them.  The first time we went down to visit one of these women, she told us she was thinking that morning about why she hasn't been visited before by the missionaries and was wanting us to visit and that same afternoon we walked in and introduced ourselves to her.  Such a miracle and evidence to us all that Heavenly Father heard the prayer in her heart and cared enough for her to send us there.

I know that one of the greatest joys in life is spreading love and kindness to all those we come in contact with.  And I know as we do this we will be instruments in the hands of our loving Heavenly Father to help His children feel appreciated, feel known, and feel loved.  Go out and be the light someone is in need of today! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Trials in our Lives

I am grateful for trials.  I don't wish for trials to come or am excited when they do come but I know they will make me stronger.  And I know the Lord will be right by my side to lift me up when I am at my lowest and to show me His love when I need it most.  I know that as we keep going and not give up through the hard as well as easy times, He will give us the needed strength to continue on.

One of my favorite scriptures is in the Book of Mormon in Alma 26:27 and it says, "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."  When you are depressed or discouraged or disheartened or low DON'T GIVE UP.  Keep on going!  Have patience and the faith to endure and the Lord WILL bless us.  He has promised to be right by our side.  He will give us the success we need to continue through the trials we are called to pass through, whether it is added strength, a friend, needed comfort, uplifting hope, increased faith, deepening courage, inspiring love, a miracle or whatever we stand in need of. 

On my mission there are days where it seems like the world is against us and no one wants to listen and we are close to tears and don't know if we should put the next foot forward.  My companion and I have had a few of these moments this past month.  Recently we had been walking around more in this warmer weather trying to save miles.  On one particular day, we were having a very discouraging and disheartening day and right when we wanted to turn back, to go home, or to give up for the day a huge miracle and tender mercy of the members in the ward pulled up on the side of the road and told us to hop in and she was going to drive us wherever we needed to go!  This was Heavenly Father's way of saying to us: "Don't give up.  Keep on going!  I believe in you and I am right here with you and will give you the support and strength you need to continue on." 

When trying moments like this happen, or weeks like this happen, or months like this happen, as we use all the faith, hope, and strength we have to put the next foot forward, I know we will feel power and strength beyond our own.  I know this because I have seen it in my life countless times both before my mission and now.  The Lord will not leave us alone - He will always be near us helping us to get through the day, to pass through a moment of crisis, and to lift us up off the ground.  He is always near.  In a revelation given to the prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord stated: "I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up" (Doctrine and Covenants 84:88).  I know this to be true for each one of us as we keep moving forward and keep pressing on through our trials.  Heavenly Father will never leave us alone, He is always listening, and He will always send us the people, the comfort, the miracle, the love, and the tender mercy we need to continue on.           

Saturday, March 1, 2014


There is this little thing called courage that I sometimes forget about or feel a lack of.  But since being on a mission for nine months and in a new area for a few weeks, I have really learned the necessity of courage and that even though we may have times we are afraid or nervous, with courage in our hearts that comes from Heavenly Father, we can face, endure, or overcome any task or trial placed in front of us.

This life is a time of testing and trial, but I am grateful we are not alone here nor do we have to be afraid.  In the Bible in Deuterononmy 31:6 it says, "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid...: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."  The Lord has promised He will be with us as we strive to do what is right.  We do not need to fear because He is right by our side, giving us the strength and courage we need to face challenges or responsibilities as we ask Him for help.  We do not need to fear the future, adversity, responsibility, opposition, trials, failure, rejection, uncertainty, or anything else.  We just need to have the courage to go and do.  The courage to take the next step.  The courage and faith to trust God.  The courage to pray.  The courage to be an example to others.  The courage to avoid temptation and the adversary.  The courage to love.  The courage to forgive.  The courage to fulfill the callings we have been called to do.  The courage to endure or overcome the trials or challenges we have been called to bear.  The courage to open our mouths.  The courage to share our beliefs.  The courage to live the life our Heavenly Father wants us to live.

I have faith in the promise the Lord gave us when He said He will be by our side and will never forsake us. And how we can endure life cheerfully and triumphantly is through the courage God gives us.  I know that as we pray for courage and have faith and trust in God, it will be granted and we will have the courage to do the right things, the courage to act, and to take the next step into the darkness.  I am grateful for our Savior who has promised to be by our side and grant us the courage and strength to follow Him and take the next step.

Fear not; have courage!        

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tender Mercies

In the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 1:20 it reads, "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."

This scripture has really hit me hard recently on my mission - I have been a witness to many tender mercies of the Lord which have given me strength, comfort, love, hope, peace, courage, and guidance.  Whether it is a much needed letter that arrives from home saying what I needed to hear at the exact moment I needed it, a random chapter I open to in the Book of Mormon that is exactly what I needed to read to help me continue on, a message from someone we teach helping me know it will all be okay, a thought that pops into my head from the Holy Ghost that is an answer to prayer in knowing what my next step should be, or so much more.  All these experiences have helped me know that Heavenly Father is there and He is listening and He does truly care about me and if I follow Him everything will be okay.  I know tender mercies are available to everyone as we all strive to do what is right and follow the example Jesus Christ has set for us.

I know tender mercies are real, but I also know that we can miss them.  It is so important to look for and notice all the many tender mercies and evidences of the Lord's hand in our lives that are all around us.  It is so interesting what happens - as we look for the Lord's hand in our lives we will see more of it.  As we stop, look, and express gratitude to Heavenly Father for the many tender mercies He blesses us with, we will see even more.  I know the Lord loves us.  I know He watches over us and hears our prayers.  I know He knows our needs, concerns, and desires.  I know He cares.  And I know He will bless all those who do their best, despite the mistakes they make, to change and use the Atonement, get up, and continue on in following the example of Jesus Christ each and every day.