Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tender Mercies

In the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 1:20 it reads, "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."

This scripture has really hit me hard recently on my mission - I have been a witness to many tender mercies of the Lord which have given me strength, comfort, love, hope, peace, courage, and guidance.  Whether it is a much needed letter that arrives from home saying what I needed to hear at the exact moment I needed it, a random chapter I open to in the Book of Mormon that is exactly what I needed to read to help me continue on, a message from someone we teach helping me know it will all be okay, a thought that pops into my head from the Holy Ghost that is an answer to prayer in knowing what my next step should be, or so much more.  All these experiences have helped me know that Heavenly Father is there and He is listening and He does truly care about me and if I follow Him everything will be okay.  I know tender mercies are available to everyone as we all strive to do what is right and follow the example Jesus Christ has set for us.

I know tender mercies are real, but I also know that we can miss them.  It is so important to look for and notice all the many tender mercies and evidences of the Lord's hand in our lives that are all around us.  It is so interesting what happens - as we look for the Lord's hand in our lives we will see more of it.  As we stop, look, and express gratitude to Heavenly Father for the many tender mercies He blesses us with, we will see even more.  I know the Lord loves us.  I know He watches over us and hears our prayers.  I know He knows our needs, concerns, and desires.  I know He cares.  And I know He will bless all those who do their best, despite the mistakes they make, to change and use the Atonement, get up, and continue on in following the example of Jesus Christ each and every day.